The day I brought Raven home, Jack, our wonderful dog, started showing interest in her. He continued to hang around at her house, just as he never left me for a long time.
On the bed or sofa, Jack leaped up and curled his little body about his feet.
Jack rolled over to be close to her when she was young and had the opportunity to lay on the ground.
You could guarantee that Jack would accompany Raven wherever she went.
One of my favorite photographic activities is to capture priceless moments with my child.
Throughout the presentation of the pictures, Jack also made a few cameos. We’ve decided to fully put these photography ideas into practice.
This is how the first image from the “The Story of Raven and Jack” series was captured.
Jack is the best kind of a friend, too. Eating immediately next to her at the table offers one of your best opportunities to be in her immediate area.
But as soon as we put it back on the concrete floor, I had to take it off.