Buzz, also referred to as Edrin Aldrin, became well-known in the late 1960s. One of the first Americans to set foot on the moon was.
Recall that the image of his sole on the lunar surface has gained international fame.
Additionally, the jacket that Buzz used to launch into space was auctioned off last year and ended up becoming the most expensive item ever sold.
The American has now shown that love can be discovered at any age, even at the advanced age of 93.
In honor of his birthday, which was on January 20, 2023, Aldrin married his former coworker and friend, Anka Faur.
Buzz’s fourth wife is the 63-year-old doctor who serves as vice president of her current husband’s business.
The former astronaut himself posted this joyful news to social media, announcing his marriage to his longtime girlfriend. The pilot further published wedding pictures from a personal ceremony in Los Angeles on the microblog.
Note that despite having three children with his first wife, the couple divorced after 20 years of marriage. Buzz’s second marriage lasted 12 years, and after 23 years with his third wife, he filed for divorce in 2012.