The judges were practically “at their feet” after watching Anne Klinge’s performance on Britain’s Got Talent; it goes without saying. The German native gave a brief introduction before starting her remarkable puppet act, which none of the jurors had ever seen before.
And the truth is that it’s not the kind of puppet performance we’re used to or what we may typically imagine. And the fact is, neither had we ever seen anything like it!
The audience’s surprise rose steadily as the black curtain parted to reveal one of Anne’s legs clothed as a man, complete with a wig, and Alesha Dixon exclaimed, “Oh no!
It turns out that Kingle uses “foot theater” to convey a humorous love story while using music to keep the audience and judges interested from start to finish. The brief musical she surprises us with is only one act in Anne’s vast catalog, which also includes operas and many kinds of children’s productions.
Here is the video: