As we mature, life transitions become noticeably more challenging. But if you really want it, anything is possible!
Betty presently resides in New Orleans and has dedicated her entire life to teaching music. She places a lot of value on her work, which is why she is still employed and has yet to retire.
Currently, a woman holds the position of music school director. Betty had previously engaged a stylist because her school was hosting a significant event. She aspired to become a fashionable lady.
The stylist, Christopher, started working right away. Betty didn’t completely describe the specifics of her transition to him, so she didn’t even know what to expect; it’s vital to mention.
1. The master initially plucked up the hair. She has had her hair chopped. It won’t be difficult to style them because they are naturally curly.
2. The hair was dyed after that. The blonde tint looked fairly natural and was in keeping with Betty’s fashion.
3. She put on some light makeup and felt refreshed and rejuvenated.
Her spouse couldn’t help but be delighted when he first met her.
His wife has become more beautiful than before. Betty made a choice to perform a musical piece for Christopher as a thank you.