Fatherhood is the most incredible experience a man can have. Englishman Simon Hooper is content for up to four separate reasons.
The father is a real “jeweler” in England. After all, he has four daughters.
His gorgeous daughters are currently twelve, nine, and four years old (two twins).
His hilarious and sincere photos have gone viral on social media. The “Daughters’ Dad” Instagram account has close to a million followers.
Everyone who has at least one child will be familiar with all of Simon’s problems.
when children begin cutting their teeth. Dad, treat your bedside manners with dignity.
I used to use my wits to tackle problems that affected the entire business world.
I now use it to calculate savings when buying baby food and diapers.
baby clothes that get too small as they get older.
But all challenges pale in comparison to these moments.
Our children are the source of our joy. Share with your relatives and friends to brighten their day and make it full of love, light, and nothing but positive energy.